Services at Meynell Kindergarten
Our services include:
At Meynell Kindergartens' services aim to;
- Provide a friendly and relaxed learning environment in which every child will flourish.
- Develop each child creatively, physically, socially and intellectually incorporating the Early Years Foundation Stage Principles.
- Provide a wealth of informal and directed play experiences including basic learning skills preparing your child for school.
- Respect the parents vitally important role as primary educators and to develop a partnership with parents.
Partnerships with Parents
Parents provide the first educational experience for a child and it is important that, as your child starts Kindergarten a positive partnership is developed between us and their home.
- As a Member of the Kindergarten your child
- Is in a safe and stimulating environment
- Is given generous care and attention, because of our high ratio of adults to children
- Has a key person who makes sure your child is progressing
- Is in a setting which parents are encouraged to help shape the service it offers